Creative Direction
Visual Design
6 months
The small local crew and I setup camp in a cyc wall studio in downtown Boston. The filmed dance was a mixture of previously choreographed routines and improvisations on set. Other shooting took place over three days on location in MIT and parts of Cambridge.
The tone of past Media Lab video projects leaned towards complete abstractness. However, this is not very conducive to a high-energy dance sequence. Multiple soundtracks were tried before settling on the final song. Since all the dance footage was shot at 50fps, certain dance moves were sped up or slowed down to hit specific beats.
In addition to the flashy main video, I produced a second video that provided a more in-depth explanation of the technology while also highlighting the individuals involved in the project.
In addition to video, I was tasked with taking stills to later be used by MIT in promotional material. Hopefully these photos express just how gracious the people of Rwanda were in front of the camera.
Logistical complexities and an extremely limited budget meant I was the sole crew member on this project both during production and all through post. Meeting locals and spending time in remote villages made it all worth the challenges.